Contact your representatives

Contact your representatives to start a discussion and ensure your concerns are received. View their official websites to determine their most up to date contact information. We have listed all of the websites below for your convenience.

FCPS School Board
Learning about your local school board is important. They make decisions that directly affect the quality of education and resources available to students and staff in Fairfax County. Understanding their policies and initiatives can help you advocate for positive changes and ensure that the educational needs of all students are met. And they want to hear from you.
Board of Supervisors
Fairfax County has an elected Board of Supervisors consisting of nine members elected by district, plus a chairman elected at-large. You can view the current members and their contact information.
Governor of Virginia
Communicate with the Governors Office by filling out the form on their website. All web submissions are reviewed by a member of the Constituent Services department and will be forwarded to the appropriate person, department or agency.
Attorney General of Virginia
This website is sometimes unavailable, but the address is 202 North Ninth Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. Phone number is (804)786-2071.
Fairfax Republicans
Contact GOP leadership to discuss issues.
Fairfax Democrats
The Fairfax County Democratic Committee (FCDC) Steering Committee is the central organization that coordinates the work of the County, District and Standing Committees. Steering Committee meets once per month on the second Tuesday.