FairFACTS Matters

FairFACTS Matters is dedicated to advocating for all children and families in Fairfax County, VA. We strive to ensure all students have equal and equitable access to high-quality education in their community. Through collaboration and community engagement, we believe we can empower all children and families to succeed.

Our vision

FairFACTS Matters strives to foster a collaborative partnership between the community and the Fairfax County School Board, focusing on solutions that are tailored to address the diverse challenges facing our schools and students. By advocating for transparent policies, equitable resource allocation, and proactive community engagement, we aim to create sustainable improvements that ensure every student receives the education they deserve to succeed in a rapidly changing world.

C stands for Community
H stands for Honor
I stands for Integrity
L stands for Leadership
D stands for Duty
R stands for Respect
E stands for Engagement
N stands for Nonpartisan

County-wide redistricting doesn't fix our schools!


Policy 8130, which governs how boundary changes occur, is undergoing a revision by the FCPS School Board, which will remove existing protections and result in significant impacts to our existing school pyramids, our communities, and our children’s education! This impacts all of Fairfax County!

Our concerns

Community instability
The proposal requires county-wide boundary evaluations at least every five years introducing significant instability for families, neighborhoods & businesses.
Short-term thinking
Boundary changes are a short-term tool that will not address underlying issues impacting Fairfax County Public Schools. The School Board is unwilling to consider alternative approaches more likely to yield meaningful results, such as overhauling the process for approving school renovations and building new schools.
No meaningful community input
The School Board is rushing to adopt a policy that significantly broadens its authority with no opportunity for meaningful community input.
Inconsistent data
The School Board is unable or unwilling to provide consistent data to support the need for boundary changes.

How you can help

  • Contact your Fairfax County School Board district representative and at-large members, and Fairfax County Board of Supervisors representative
  • Email or call the above individuals and encourage them to have the FCPS School Board pause their work to revise Policy 8130.
  • Attend regular meetings. Check our upcoming events for next meeting dates and times.
  • Those in attendance are encouraged to bring signs. Signs must be 8.5 by 11 inches (regular printer paper). Please remember to remain respectful.
  • These meetings are the last opportunity to influence the Fairfax County School Board before the revisions to Policy 8130 are expected to be adopted.
  • Sign and share our petition requesting the FCPS School Board halt its efforts to revise Policy 8130.
  • Donate to the FairFACTS Matters Foundation to help provide the financial capital necessary for legal action, to help raise awareness, and to support data collection efforts. All financial expenditures will be reviewed by the Treasurer and approved by the Board. Expenses will be audited.
  • Join the discussion to advocate for all children and families in Fairfax County, Virginia by ensuring all students have equal and just access to education in their community.